
Welcome to Politics to Potting Mix! My name is Caroline and I have thoughts and opinions and sometimes feel the need to suss them out or share them by writing them down. I also like to share my views with others so that others will share their views with me, and with any luck we will both learn something about the other person and perhaps more.

The views and opinions voiced here are in no way intended to harm or insult anyone. Anything I do say that you find harmful or insulting is not meant in malice and I ask that you reach out in the comments or via email and kindly educate me on where I went wrong with my choice of words, lack of information, or ignorance about the details of a topic.

If you are offended, I recommend watching this video before commenting.

If you decide to participate in discussion in this forum, I ask that you be civil to others – comments that include any namecalling, foul language, personal insults, etc will be not be approved.

Finally, thank you for visiting!


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