
Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Give me flak for this if you want, but it’s just my observation. Lately in this country and rather, the world, there has been a worrying trend towards the vilification and mis-attribution of negative stereotypes against people who identify politically as “conservative.” When I was a child, a person who was conservative usually believed in…

The Ginger Experiment

Some weeks ago, there was a sale on fresh ginger root at my local grocery store. I bought quite a bit to freeze, but, being inspired by a recently-viewed youtube video of a person propagating a ginger plant from a node, I decided to give it a shot. I used the pot that once housed…

Opinion: “Acknowledging White Supremacy” Only Makes it Stronger

I have been seeing demands for everyone from people to corporations to educational institutions to “acknowledge white supremacy.” What those who use this phrase seem to be demanding – based on the wording – is for the person/business/institution to say that they acknowledge white supremacy, i.e. believe that whites are superior to other races, and…

A Female POTUS: Pipe Dream or Possibility?

When I saw this picture on Reddit, my first thought was “Why can’t we have one like that?” My second thought turned to how shameful it is that the United States has yet to have a female President. Unfortunately, the fact that we haven’t doesn’t surprise me. Our Presidents are following the same path as…

Race vs. Culture as Primary Influence on One’s Behavior

I was reading this Axios article earlier and it raised the question in my mind: “If the number of non-white cops has increased but the amount of police brutality incidents against non-whites has not decreased, perhaps the problem is not race, but culture.” I have had this theory for some time – that it is…

Down with the Duopoly

Earlier this year, the Libertarian Twitter-verse exploded when Congressman Justin Amash (L-MI) announced his intentions for an exploratory Presidential campaign. In spite of various factors that contributed to his declining to declare an official campaign, Amash’s involvement injected energy to thousands of fired-up young people, and led to a burgeoning in support for the Libertarian…